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Flyers, Pamphlets
Your First Meeting
Flyer welcoming the new member to their first G.A. meeting. Revised 9/99 Printed 10/11
Working the Steps Pamphlet
Pamphlet with the explanation of each Recovery Step on one side and what to discuss on the other side. Revised 3/21 Printed 9/24
Let's Host a Mini Conference!
Pamphlet with suggestions and samples from different areas Mini-Conferences. Revised 1/06 Printed 1/06
Towards Recovery in Prison
Pamphlet giving guidance to the compulsive gambler while in prison. Approved 10/02 Printed 8/10
Step Meeting Handbook Booklet
Pamphlet with discussion items for the 12 Steps of Recovery. Revised 05/02 Printed 5/11
Towards 90 Days Large Print
This is a larger size booklet of the Towards 90 Days. This booklet helps the new member through the early days in the fellowship. Approved 5/92 Revised 5/10 Printed 12/16
Questions and Answers about Gambling - Booklet
Questions & Answers about the problem of compulsive gambling and the G.A. Recovery Program. Revised 10/11 Printed 7/15
Public Relations Flyer (PLEASE READ DESCRIPTION)
PLEASE NOTE : This piece of literature is NOT recommended to be passed out to the public!
This literature is meant to help only G.A. groups and their Public Relations representative!
Light Blue Three Fold Flyer which includes information about Public Relations. Available in English,
Approved 10/08 Printed 1/11
Hosting an International Conference
Pamphlet made available to areas that have been awarded an International Conference. Approved 4/18 Revised 10/18 Printed 2/19
Have I Quit the Fellowship?
Leaflet with suggestions for members not attending meetings regularly. Revised 6/99 Printed 2/14